holiday coach tours

COVID‐19 Safety Plan 
Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws require public transport operators to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their workers and others at the workplace. COVID‐19 is a risk to the health and safety of the operator’s employees and customers.



Holiday coach tours for seniors is committed to COVID safety and keeping our community safe.

Holiday coach tours for seniors has developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan to help create and maintain a safe environment for our employees and our customers. This will help slow the spread of COVID-19 and provide assurance to our customers that they can safely use our services.

This following guidelines and actions ensure we provide a COVID safe environment for ourcustomers and workers. The plan also supports our registration with the NSW Government as a COVID safe business.


Business name: Holiday coach tours for seniors Senior Holiday Coach

Plan completed by: Mary Pratt

Approved by: Mary Pratt

GUIDELINES FOR Holiday coach tours for seniors

Wellbeing of staff and customers

Exclude staff and customers who are unwell. COVID information is provided to staff to ensure they practice good hygiene and stay at home if sick.

Vulnerable Workers identified and provided an opportunity to isolate following risk assessment.

Notice to customers posted at depot/office and waiting areas to ensure that customers do not enter if feeling sick, have flu like symptoms or are meant to be self]isolating.


Post Office Box 109 BRINGELLY NSW 2556

TELEPHONE: (02) 4774 9700

ABN 48 461 074 369



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Customers using regular passenger and/or dedicated school services are referred to the websitegCOVID-19: Travel advice and informationh, which advises customers to stay home if sick.

For Long Distance, Tourist or Charter (LDTC) services, pre]departure sign]off procedures implemented to verify no passenger can board if feeling sick, has flu like symptoms or is meant to be self]isolating.

Provide staff with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical

distancing and cleaning.

Staff provided with TfNSW and NSW Health

guidelines on physical distancing and cleaning.

Staff provided with BusNSW notice titled

gCoronavirus Information for Drivers and Staffh.

Cleaning staff and contractors trained to meet the

TfNSW Infection Control Cleaning Guidelines.

Make staff aware of their leave entitlements if

they are sick or required to self]isolate.

Staff provided with COVID-19 information relating

to annual leave, long service leave and unpaid

leave as required.

Vulnerable Workers provided with letter/notice

regarding assessment of risks and options.

Display conditions of entry (website, social media,


Note included on company website (where

applicable) with link to website

gCOVID-19: Travel advice and informationh.

For LDTC services, a COVID-19 notice including

recommended precautions is provided to

passengers/hirers and posted on company

website (where applicable).

Physical distancing

Place queue markers outside your premises,

at checkouts and at counters.

Exclusion zone is established between driver and

passengers in vehicles.

Passengers to follow TfNSW advice and avoid

close contact with other people at stops, stations

and on]board services.

Marked areas for queuing are provided at

depot/office and waiting areas.

Consider physical barriers such as plexiglass around

counters with high volume interactions with


Cash payments are prohibited/limited in line with

contract requirements and TfNSW guidance.

Opal card reader adjacent to the driver

deactivated (where applicable).


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The installation of driver screens (sneeze guards)

are considered if a specific risk is identified.

Reduce contact between customer groups. Seat stickers (gSit hereh green dot) are attached to

selected seats to encourage passengers to

maintain physical distancing on TfNSW contracted

regular passenger services.

As per TfNSW guidance, school children and those

who require assistance, such as those with a

disability are given priority access on regular

passenger services.

As per TfNSW guidance, there are no physical

distancing restrictions on dedicated school


Passenger loadings are monitored to help better

manage customer flow and crowding. Bus drivers

to report any crowding to supervisor.

For LDTC services, high back seats are used where

practicable to provide a physical barrier between


Move or remove tables and seating to

support 1.5 metres of physical distance.

Exclusion zones set up in vehicle between driver

and passengers.

For LDTC services, pre]booked seats are allocated

to maximise physical distancing of at least 1.5

metres apart, where possible.

For LDTC services, marked seating areas are

provided for customers to use in waiting areas.

Where possible, ensure staff maintain 1.5

metres physical distancing and assign

workers to specific workstations

Use of Driver Meal Room for breaks prohibited

during pandemic.

Office staff to work from home where practicable.

Social distancing guidelines and protocols

implemented in office.

Where reasonably practical, stagger start

times and breaks for staff members.

Only staff on shift or starting/finishing a driving

shift permitted in the depot.

Use of Driver Meal Room for breaks prohibited

during pandemic.

Office/Workshop staff meal breaks are staggered

to allow for distancing.


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Review regular deliveries and request

contactless delivery/ invoicing where


All bookings and invoices for LDTC services are

done electronically.

Subcontractors required to work at the depot or

delivering parts, are provided with companyfs

COVID]Safe practices.

Introduce strategies to manage gatherings

that may occur outside the premises.

For tourist and charter services, bookings and

visitation at venues and attractions are made to

comply with social distancing and gathering rules,

and passenger attendance is staggered where


For LDTC services, passengers are instructed

(written notice and verbal) to maintain social

distance when getting on/off the vehicle and

when picking up and dropping off luggage.

Where practical, taxi and ride share services

should encourage customers to sit in the

back seat and have the windows open to

promote air flow.

Customers using regular passenger services are to

follow TfNSW gCOVID-19: Travel advice and

informationh, which for buses includes not using

the Opal reader at the front of the bus and

standing behind the red no standing zone (where


For LDTC services, passengers instructed (written

notice and verbal) to remain in allocated seat

unless instructed otherwise by the driver.

Avoid close contact with passengers and ask

passengers to handle their own personal

belongings during pick]up and drop]off.

For LDTC services, passengers are instructed to

self]serve baggage package and collection from

luggage bins. If not possible, driver to wear PPE

including disposable gloves when handling luggage

for passengers.

Avoid using the vehiclefs re]circulated air

option during passenger transport. Where

possible use the vehiclefs vents to bring in

fresh air from outside and lower the


Drivers instructed to use gfresh air” mode for air

conditioning in buses/coaches where applicable.

Windows will be opened to increase ventilation

where possible.

Hygiene and cleaning

Adopt good hand hygiene practices. COVID Hygiene posters are visible at depot/office.

PPE (including disposable gloves) and hand

sanitiser provided to staff.

Customers using regular passenger and dedicated

school services are to follow TfNSW gCOVID-19:

Travel advice and informationh, which includes

washing hands regularly to protect fellow

commuters and staff.


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For LDTC services, passengers encouraged to

carry/use their own hand sanitiser or wipes.

Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap

and paper towels.

Depot/office cleaning practices updated to ensure

bathrooms are cleaned daily and sufficient stock

of soap and paper towels is maintained.

For LDTC services, passengers asked not to use

toilet on board coach.

For LDTC services, passengers and staff advised to

use hand sanitiser after an on]road meal break.

Clean areas frequented by staff or customers at

least daily with detergent or disinfectant. Clean

frequently touched areas and surfaces several

times per day with a detergent or disinfectant

solution or wipe.

All surfaces within vehicles are cleaned as per

TfNSW Infection Control Cleaning Guidelines.

Drivers provided with cleaning wipes for high

touch surfaces.

TfNSW Sanitisation and Hygiene Agile Response

Cleaners (SHARCfs) board buses at key

interchanges and layovers to clean high touch

areas, including Opal Card readers and stop

buttons, in preparation for the next service (where


Maintain disinfectant solutions at an

appropriate strength and use in accordance

with the manufacturersf instructions.

Disinfectant solutions meet TfNSW Infection

Control Cleaning Guidelines (disinfectant

recommended by the NSW Clinical Excellence


Material Safety Data Sheet provided to staff.

Staff are to wear gloves when cleaning and

wash handsthoroughlybefore and after with

soap and water.

Staff issued with hand sanitiser and PPE (including

disposable gloves).

Posters identifying correct hand washing

procedures provided at wash areas.

Encourage contactless payment options. Cash payments are prohibited/limited in line with

contract requirements and TfNSW guidance.

Contactless transport payments are encouraged

where applicable.

Opal card reader adjacent to driver deactivated

(where applicable).

For LDTC services, online bookings and payments

implemented where practicable.

Employ extra cleaning practices at the end of

each shift, as part of good hygiene practice,

including where practical the sanitisation of

All surfaces within vehicles are cleaned as per the

TfNSW Infection Control Cleaning Guidelines.

Vehicles are cleaned a minimum of once daily, or


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seats, door handles and window controls,

seatbelts and buckles, and payment equipment.

more frequently where possible, including the

wiping down of frequently touched hard surfaces

for example handrails, stanchions and seat frames.

Prior to commencement of a driverfs shift change,

the driverfs cabin work area is cleaned.

Avoid contact with surfaces often touched by

passengers or other drivers such as door

handles and frames, and seatbelt buckles.

All surfaces within vehicles are cleaned as per the

TfNSW Infection Control Cleaning Guidelines.

Drivers are not required to touch passenger


Record keeping

Ensure records are used only for the purposes of

tracing COVID-19infections and are stored

confidentially and securely.

For LDTC services, passenger details are included

on manifest, including the seat number for contact

tracing where applicable.

For charter services the hirer details are recorded.

The hirer is requested to maintain a record of the

individual passengers and it is recommended that

group members download the COVIDSafe app.

Passenger records are to be securely stored and

only accessed by senior management.

Senior management to regularly monitor and

assess government advice relating to the

collection of personal information.

Notify SafeWork NSW and NSW Health if a worker

comes into contact with someone who has tested

positive to COVID-19.

The company conducts staff health monitoring

and fitness for work assessments, as required

under the NSW Bus Operator Accreditation

Scheme (BOAS)

The company requires employees to notify

management and self] isolate if they test positive

to COVID-19 or have come in contact with

someone who has tested positive to COVID-19.

The company will notify relevant authorities

including SafeWork NSW, NSW Health and TfNSW

of any COVID-19 related incident.

Employers should make staff aware of the

COVIDSafe app and the benefits of the app to

support contact tracing if required.

The company has recommended that all staff

download the COVIDSafe App to help facilitate

contact tracing if required.

For LDTC services, information is provided to

passengers and hirers which recommends that

they download the COVIDSafe App to help

facilitate contact tracing if required.